In contrast to allowing the eating of meat in the home, Moses commands the Israelites to take their holy things and their votive offerings to the central sanctuary in order to offer burnt offerings to the Suzerain (Ruler) God.

It is the format of the ancient Suzerain-Vassal Treaty, but instead of a superior king making a treaty with a lesser king, this is the King of the universe with each Israelite. He adds to his historical review of lessons they have learned, and now turns to review the terms and stipulations of the covenant Israel agreed to enter with God.

Moses is still in the midst of his admonition to the nation of Israel prior to their imminent crossing of the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land. This chapter begins the next major section of the book of Deuteronomy-namely, the specific stipulations of the covenant between Israel and God (Deut. The message of the book is centered around two key terms: love and loyalty (Deut. That is why the book of Deuteronomy reiterates and expands on the covenant to a new generation of Israelites poised to enter and conquer the Promised Land. Since the first generation of the Israelites failed to obey God wholeheartedly, the book of Numbers displays a strong contrast between God’s faithfulness and the nation’s failure. Once the children of Israel are redeemed, Leviticus instructs them to live a holy life that reflects the life of their covenant redeemer (cf. Exodus focuses on God’s loving act by which He rescued the Israelites from Egypt in order to have a covenant relationship with them.

Genesis describes God’s plan to bless the Israelites and the world through one man named Abraham (Gen. Therefore, as we set the context for the book of Deuteronomy, it is important that we briefly summarize the theme of the previous books to see how the story of God unfolds. It continues the story of the first 4 books and picks up exactly where the book of Numbers ends (with the people on the plain of Moab).

The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and last book of the Torah (“law”).